A CanadianGay Illustrated Gay Dictionary
G :GAM :![]() Gay Asian Man GBM :![]() Gay Black Man. GF :Girlfriend. GL : ![]() Good-looking. GPS:Global positioning system, a technology that uses longitude and latitude coordinates to find a specific geographic location, often used to locate cruising areas. GWM:![]() Gay White Man. Gag:Something placed in/over the mouth to prevent it's use during a sexual scene, or the act of choking on cock when it hits the gag reflex in your throat. Game Players:Someone who flirts and makes plans on-line or in person, but doesn't intend to actually meet for sex. eg: - I'm not into time wasters or game players. Gangbang:![]() A group of guys all take turns fucking one person. Gay:![]() Someone who has sex with someone of the same sex. Gay Sauna:![]() A public sauna where men meet each other for sex. Glans:![]() The tip, or head, of the penis. Glory Hole:![]() A hole cut into a wall that is large enough to fit your cock through, usually between two bathroom stalls, booths, etc. Used for anonymous sex. One guy sticks his cock through the hole; the guy on the other side sucks it. Can also be used for rimming and fucking. Go Down:To perform oral sex; eg, How about you go down on me now? Golden Shower:![]() Urinating on a partner, or being urinated on, for sexual pleasure. Gonorrhea (Clap):A sexually transmitted disease. Go-T:![]() Goatee, having facial hair on one's chin. Greek:![]() Anal sex, or sex between males in general. Grizzly:![]() A bigger, taller, slightly older, really hairy guy. Group sex:![]() A number of people all have sex together at the same time. Gym Bunny:![]() A gay man who spends a lot of time working out at the gym. H :HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)![]() HIV is the virus that causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), an illness that attacks the immune system and can lead serious illness and/or death. You can get HIV or AIDS by the transfer of blood, semen (cum) and precum. HIV-, NegSomeone who is HIV negative, who does not have HIV. HIV+, PozSomeone who is HIV positive, who does have HIV. HWP:Height and weight proportionate. Half and half:Paying someone for both oral and anal sex in the same session. Half Mast:![]() Having a semi-hard on. Handcuffed:![]() Being in the middle while one guy fucks your mouth, and another guy fucks your ass, or being restrained by the wrist during sex. Hand Job:Jerking a guy off, stroking his cock with your hand. Hanky Code:![]() A series of colour coded handkerchiefs, generally worn in the back pants pocket, to indicate to others what sexual scenes you are into. Hard, Hard-on:![]() An erection; having an erection. Hardcore:Intense, extreme, graphic, raunchy, etc. Head, Head job:![]() Oral sex, blow job; eg: I give great head. Heterosexual, Hetero, Het:Someone who has sex primarily with the opposite sex. Hole:![]() Usually refers to ass, anus but can also be mouth; eg: Fuck my hole. Homosexual, Homo:Someone who has sex primarily with the same sex. Horny:![]() Very sexually excited. Horse Hung:![]() Above average cock size. Humiliation:The act of embarrassing or shaming a sexual partner for pleasure. Hummer:Oral sex. Hung:![]() Well-endowed, having a large cock; eg: I'm really well-hung. Hustler:![]() Escort, someone who has sex in exchange for money. I :ISO:![]() Is Seeking Out, In Search Of: Used in ads and personals sites: eg: Good-looking guy ISO other good-looking guys. Impotence:![]() The inability to get or maintain an erection. Incest:![]() Sex between people within the same family. Intercourse:![]() Fucking, penetration (anal). Interracial:![]() A coupling of two people from different racial backgrounds. |
#-A | B | C | D-F | G-I | J-M | N-P | Q-S | T-Z |