How to Join the Telegram Version of CanadianGay
CanadianGay at Gaggle was deleted because of a complaint that we posted pics of minors (which is bullshit), but whatever, it is gone. But the good news is that CanadianGay still survives on the Telegram app on all platforms. You can join it on your smart phone, tablet, or computer. The first thing you must do is to download and install and register the Telegram app for your platform and device. Search the web or the app store for your device. The one you want is just called Telegram or Telegram Messenger. It has a logo of a white paper plane on a blue background. Some members have told me that they don't know what Telegram is. It is basically messaging app, something like Apple's Messages or Facebook's Messenger or Skype. Within Telegram, we can create Groups, and that is where CanadianGay is currently residing. On the Telegram app, members can post images and messages instead of emails. To join Telegram, you need a cell phone (or at least a cell phone number that you can use to register). Open it and follow the instructions. It wants a functioning Telephone number. Below are some suggestions as to how to get one. If you don't have a cell phone number, there are some ways to get a number listed below. I'm not sure about this, but if you first install WhatsApp and get a free WhatsApp number by following the directions at the link below, you can use the WhatsApp number to install Telegram. Here are the downloads for WhatsApp: And here are the instructions to get a free WhatsApp number, including how to do so without a cell phone. The above link also tells you how to get a TextNow number, which you could also use. When you have finally installed Telegram and registered, you can use this link in Telegram to join CanadianGay: Link for joining CanadianGay: (YOU MUST HAVE JOINED TELEGRAM FIRST!!) Have fun! |